Tuesday, 26 November 2013

HooMade。聖誕裝飾 Christmas Decor

個人很欣賞那些 DIY 的裝飾及設計,可惜自問是一個沒有耐性的人,太複雜、材料太多,或要不停重覆做同一個動作的,都會令我失去理智。所以 DIY 設計越簡單,我便越不能自拔! 然後, 這天給我在 Pinterst 看到一個簡單到不行的小手作 - 廁紙筒聖誕鹿。道具及步驟實在簡單得讓我一眼便愛上: 一個廁紙筒及一把剪刀。我急不及待試著造,不用 5 分鐘便完成 (像我這種 DIY 門外漢)!實在太太簡單了!

I myself am a fan of DIY decorating and design ideas. Unfortunately, I am not a patient person. The complicated process, the huge quantity of materials, or the indefinite repetition of a single step just simply drive me nuts. Thus, the simpler the DIY concept, the harder for me to pull myself out of it. And lucky me! Today I have seen the simplest DIY idea ever on Pinterest - a toilet paper roll reindeer! The tools and steps are simple enough to have me falling in love at my first sight: a toilet paper roll and a pair of scissors. I just couldn't wait to try and it took me, a totally new hand of DIY, only 5 minutes to make it! How incredible!

After the main frame, it is then up to you to have how many of reindeer and
what kind of decoration you want to add onto them. 
(源 source:http://clipzine.me/u/clip/11948498376201292724)

They are my very first test samples. Unfortunately the toilet paper rolls at home are all printed with text, so I could only get 2 printed reindeer... 

Pinterest 是一個很好的資訊分享平台,它不單單給人分享自拍照 (如 Instagram),或分享生活瑣事 (如 Facebook),它更像是一個相簿,將你 “有興趣” 的圖片分門別類的 “釘” 起來;而圖片當中會到很多潮流服飾、化裝貼士、家居設計、創意用物、及 DIY 製作等等很有養份的創意產物。

Pinterest is a infotainment platform for information sharing which is not merely for selfies (such as Instagram), or trivial matters of everyday life (such as Facebook), but with the approach of being an album that let you to "pin" those pictures which you are "interested" in; You can find plenty of pictures coming with the creative ideas of fashion, home furnishing, living style, art, DIY, and etc.

Pictures are all categorised so users can easily find what they are interested in. 

Christmas is coming, let's go and have a look to get some inspiration. 

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