"Travellers we are, in this journey of memory."
"Aboard together we might, and get off at different times."
"Still, memory lingers"
"記憶月台" 是 Kingston 由英國真人真事改編而成的記憶棒推銷廣告。是的,產品毫不浪漫;但廣告,卻真的很感人。廣告沒有刻意去催淚,但充分表現了兩個人相知、相遇、相愛,到共同生活,最後分開的各段愛的回憶。與愛的人分開的那一天,一定會到臨,但會是哪一天,卻無人能預測;所以,要道歉或要道謝,都不要猶豫,因為那可能會成為改變你們共同記憶的一個轉捩點;別忘了補上一句 "我愛你" 呀!
"A memory to remember" is a commercial from Kingston, which is inspired by a true story in England, for promoting their USB devices. The product itself has nothing to do with feeling, but the commercial. It doesn't have any plot to gain your tears intentionally, but it fully demonstrates the love memories of how the two people meet, fall in love, build a family and finally being apart. The day to be apart with your love one will definitely come, but no one can guess when and how. Therefore, if there is a "sorry" or "thank you" you are hesitating to say, just do it without delay or doubt, it might completely change your mutual memories. Oh don't forget to add a "I love you".
Mind The Gap....Mind The Gap....Mind The Gap.......................
"... 65歲的英國婦人瑪格麗特,和老公奧斯華1992年在摩
Commercial related news:
"After the Tube train had disappeared into the tunnel, you could still find Dr Margaret McCollum sitting on the platform bench, lost in thought.
A few minutes later, another train would arrive. 'Mind the gap!' said the voice on the loudspeaker to disembarking passengers, and Dr McCollum smiled... and still she stayed.
For although that announcement became familiar to millions travelling on the London Underground at Embankment station, the voice had a special significance for Dr McCollum, a recently widowed GP.
The voice was her husband's, and in countless, poignant moments since actor Oswald Laurence died in 2007, she has remained on the platform just to hear him speak.
Then last year, Transport For London finally brought the curtain down on Mr Laurence's only remaining stage – the northbound Northern Line platform at Embankment – in favour of a bland, digitised announcement...."
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