Tuesday, 3 December 2013

HooMade。意式奶凍 Panna Cotta

能令耐性及烹飪技術低的我願意嘗試去製作的食品,必需要材料及製作過程異常簡單但效果卻極為驚艷,例如這款意式奶凍 Panna Cotta。

The condition of a dish which can make me,  one has no patience or cooking skill, readily to try is that the dish has to be stunning in its simplicity and dramatical outcome, as if this one - Panna Cotta.

材料 (6 人份)
- 60 厘升 (600 克) Crème Fraiche 法式酸奶油 (用 Crème Fraiche 就不用像其他食譜般要加鮮奶了)
- 50 克白砂糖
- 3 片魚膠片 
- 1 條香草豆 (真正香草豆的味道不是香草精可以代替的)
- 紅莓醬,待上碟用

Ingredients (for 6 serves)
- 60 cl (600g) Crème Fraiche (French sour cream) (By using Crème Fraiche, no need to add milk like what other recipes mention)
- 50g white sugar
- 3 sheets gelatin
- 1 stick vanilla bean (the real vanilla taste cannot be substituted by vanilla extract)
- Raspberry sauce, to serve

步驟 Steps

1. 將魚膠片浸泡在冷水中待軟化。
1. Soak the gelatin sheets in cold water.

2. 縱向切開香草豆並從裡面刮出香草子。
2. Halve the vanilla bean lengthwise and scrape out the seeds.

3. 將香草子和砂糖加入平底鍋中並攪勻。
3. Put the seeds and sugar in a saucepan and mix thoroughly. 

4. 加入奶油並用中低火悶煨,偶爾攪拌,直到混合奶油剛開始滾起(小小泡沫開始形成)。
4. Add the cream and simmer over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until the cream mixture just begins to boil (soft bubbles begin to form).

5. 轉小火,加入 1 片魚膠片,攪拌至完全溶解;然後放第 2 片,重覆步驟後再加第 3 片。
5. Turn to low heat and add one gelatin sheet into the mixture, stirring until completely dissolved. Repeat the step for the second sheet then the third one.

6. 離火後繼續攪拌,然後倒入甜品杯中。
6. Remove from heat, keep stirring and pour into the dessert cups.

7. 冷藏至少 4 小時或過夜 (建議)。
7. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight (suggested).

8. 食用時,淋上紅莓醬、新鮮草莓或其他水果 (隨個人喜歡)。
8. To serve, add raspberry sauce, fresh strawberries or other fruits as you prefer.

初次成品已經不失禮人呀! ^^
Have no shame in my first attempt! ^^

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