時間之父在威尼斯這個水都中彷彿被縱橫城市的 150 條大小運河弄得威力大減,令時間變得不太被重視。
在威尼斯,無論你心裡有多著急,手腳卻無能為力,因為,這裡的唯一交通功具是船。面對那近在咫尺的對岸,感覺就像在紅燈下等過那 5 步能過的馬路,可惜游過去並不在選擇之列;其他選擇有等待那跟時間表走的水巴士、那貴得驚人的水的士,或繞 15 分鐘路到過島橋;久而久之,威尼斯人均被訓練得從容不迫。
威尼斯人對各樣交通功具的稱呼跟我們的沒兩樣:巴士、的士、救護車、消防車 (意大利語)⋯ 名字上的 “水” 字 (英語),主要是讓遊客容易理解而已。讓我在這裡介紹一下威尼斯的各樣交通功具。
In Venice, the City of Water, the influence of Father Time seems to be diminished by the 150 canals, which results in the importance of Time becomes feeble.
In Venice, no matter how hurry you are in, you don't have much choices because the only transport is boat. Facing the opposite bank with reach, the feeling is just like waiting for the red traffic light in front of the road which could be crossed in 5 steps; Unfortunately swimming is not an option, so the remaining options are waiting for the water bus which operates according to the scheduled timetable, taking the extremely expensive water taxi or walking for 15 minutes to reach the bridge. In the course of time, Venetians are trained to be relaxed.
The transports in Venice have the same names like ours: bus, taxi, ambulance, fire truck (in Italian). The word "water" is more designed for tourists for easier understanding (in English). Let me show you some of the transports in Venice.
在威尼斯,船速不是以節 (海里/小時), 卻像汽車般以公里/小時計算。
In Venice, boat speed does not measure in Knot (Mile/hr) but in
Km/hr like vehicle.
Petrol station
Petrol station
“車” 廠
"Car" factory
救護 “車”
郵政 “車”
Mail truck
消防 “車”。Vigili Del Fuoco = 消防人員
Fire truck.Vigili Del Fuoco = Firefighters
機場巴士 Alilgaguna, 從機場到威尼斯,網上售價 25 歐元來回。
Alilgaguna airport bus connects the airport and Venice. Online price of a 2-way ticket costs 25€.
巴士 ACTV, 單程票 7 歐元,可在機場買不同日數的套票無限乘搭 (例如 3 日 35 歐元)
ACTV bus. A single ticket costs 7€. Can buy a Tourist Travel Card which allows unlimited travel (e.g. 35€ for 3 days).
"No" "No" "Nein" "Non" standing at the front part of the bus.
離開酒店叫的士?沒問題,起跳 8.7 歐元,之後每分鐘 1.3 歐元。
Call taxi while leaving the hotel? No problem. A fixed starting price of 8.7€ then a charge of 1.30€ per minute.
左: 黃色巴士站;右: 的士站
Left: Yellow bus stop; Right: taxi stand
搬屋 / 運貨,可以找貨車。
Truck for moving house / bulky goods.
貢多拉主要是給遊客乘坐的,每艘可坐最多 6 人,40 分鐘觀光旅程 80 歐元起。
Nowadays Gondolas are mainly for tourists. A 40-min trip along the canals is from 80€ with up to 6 passengers.
4 艘貢多拉一拼起行,還有歌曲助慶。
4-in-1 Gondola with a musical serenade.
在陸地上走的巴士只有在 Lido 島上找到 (或連接意大利內陸的自由大橋)。
The bus on the road can only be found on the Island Lido (or Ponte della Libertà / Freedom Bridge, the bridge connects Venice to the mainland) .
實用連結 Useful links:
Venice City
Alilaguna airport bus
ACTV bus
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