Friday, 8 November 2013

HooTravel。面具威尼斯 Masks in Venice


傳統威尼斯面具分別有嘉年華面具(傳統用來隱閉面容的面具及即興藝術喜劇面具(多用於喜劇表演時)兩類型,而材料方面主要以紙糊製及皮革製為主。現代的狂歡節慶祝活動為威尼斯面具的造型注入了新的活力, 但同時亦引導了新的製造方法 - 量產塑膠製品。

如果想買一個獨一無二的面具,建議找家離遊客區 (如聖馬可廣場) 遠一點的自家紙 / 皮製面具店,因為量產的塑膠面具,只有形卻沒有了那傳統工藝的精粹,感覺就像在倫敦 "哈洛德” Harrods 百貨買中國製的包包一樣⋯⋯

Besides the canals and its transports, how can we talk of Venice without mentioning its famous Venetian masks?  There are shops in Venice teaching you to make your own mask, which sounds fun. But if you have no time or you are very bad at art, simply choose a nice shop and buy your favourite mask will be good enough, considering that it is a way to appreciate the profession of the mask-makers.

Traditional Venetian masks can classify into Carnival Masks (the traditional masks use to hide the faces) and Commedia dell'Arte Masks (use during the traditional Italian comedy performances). These authentic masks are mainly made of papier mâché or leatherThe modern celebration of Carnival has reinvigorated the style of Venetian masks, meanwhile, has induced a new way of production way - mass production in plastic.  

If you want to get an unique mask, get away from the heavy tourist areas (such as Piazza San Marco) and find a paper / leather handcrafted mask shop hidden in the alley. Buying a junk plastic mask in Venice is simply like to buy a made-in China handbag in Harrods London - an absence of the real essence of craftsmanship and authenticity.

Mask shops with all kind of masks can be found everywhere. 

Stroll away from the crowds and you can find more special and exotic masks.

Junk plastic masks always come with a competitive price.
Find a paper or leather mask for a better quality even it costs more.  

嘉年華面具:華麗的 Volto 全面面具連服裝
Carnival Masks: Glamorous Volto full mask with costumes

嘉年華面具:Gatto 貓面具
Carnival Masks: Gatto cat mask

嘉年華面具:Medico della Peste 瘟疫醫生面具
Carnival Masks: Medico della Peste the plaque doctor mask 

即興藝術喜劇面具: Columbina 半面面具
Commedia dell'Arte Masks : Columbina half mask

 即興藝術喜劇面具:Jester 小丑面具
Commedia dell'Arte Masks : Jester clown mask

V 煞是很受歡迎的款式
 Very popular V for Vendetta mask

最後我走到一家在聖保羅區的店 “卡薩諾瓦面具店” Casanova Mask,被它那實而不華的工作室裝潢所吸引而停下了腳步。只見老闆獨個兒在掛滿面具的店內默默地將煮溶了的紙糊塗在模具上,整家店都充滿著工匠的尊嚴。

At the end I was cemented to the front of a shop Casanova Mask in San Polo by it's simple and unadorned crafts workshop style. By seeing the owner who was alone standing at the work bench layering the pulp over the mold, the very air around him exuded the dignity of a craftsman. 

老闆跟他的店一樣樸實。他會很有禮貌及耐性地回答你每一個問題,但可看出他其實心繫手上的工作多於一切! 就像打拳的要 “拳不離手” 一樣,工匠的手亦不能停下來! 你可以在店內隨便蹓躂,亦可駐足觀看面具的製作過程。

The owner is as guileless as his shop.  He is decent and patient to every of your questions, but after all, he is a kind of true mask-makers who prefers making to selling. Just like "boxing cannot dispense with the hands", a craftsman's hands no rest must work! You can stroll around the shop without disturbance or stay and watch how a mask is being made. 

The shop is cluttered with the massive clay molds.

最終我選購了一個威尼斯傳奇人物卡薩諾瓦面具,承為 40 歐元。
Eventually, I have bought a Venetian legendary adventurer 
Casanova mask which costs 40.

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