Tuesday, 3 December 2013

HooMade。意式奶凍 Panna Cotta

能令耐性及烹飪技術低的我願意嘗試去製作的食品,必需要材料及製作過程異常簡單但效果卻極為驚艷,例如這款意式奶凍 Panna Cotta。

The condition of a dish which can make me,  one has no patience or cooking skill, readily to try is that the dish has to be stunning in its simplicity and dramatical outcome, as if this one - Panna Cotta.

材料 (6 人份)
- 60 厘升 (600 克) Crème Fraiche 法式酸奶油 (用 Crème Fraiche 就不用像其他食譜般要加鮮奶了)
- 50 克白砂糖
- 3 片魚膠片 
- 1 條香草豆 (真正香草豆的味道不是香草精可以代替的)
- 紅莓醬,待上碟用

Ingredients (for 6 serves)
- 60 cl (600g) Crème Fraiche (French sour cream) (By using Crème Fraiche, no need to add milk like what other recipes mention)
- 50g white sugar
- 3 sheets gelatin
- 1 stick vanilla bean (the real vanilla taste cannot be substituted by vanilla extract)
- Raspberry sauce, to serve

步驟 Steps

1. 將魚膠片浸泡在冷水中待軟化。
1. Soak the gelatin sheets in cold water.

2. 縱向切開香草豆並從裡面刮出香草子。
2. Halve the vanilla bean lengthwise and scrape out the seeds.

3. 將香草子和砂糖加入平底鍋中並攪勻。
3. Put the seeds and sugar in a saucepan and mix thoroughly. 

4. 加入奶油並用中低火悶煨,偶爾攪拌,直到混合奶油剛開始滾起(小小泡沫開始形成)。
4. Add the cream and simmer over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until the cream mixture just begins to boil (soft bubbles begin to form).

5. 轉小火,加入 1 片魚膠片,攪拌至完全溶解;然後放第 2 片,重覆步驟後再加第 3 片。
5. Turn to low heat and add one gelatin sheet into the mixture, stirring until completely dissolved. Repeat the step for the second sheet then the third one.

6. 離火後繼續攪拌,然後倒入甜品杯中。
6. Remove from heat, keep stirring and pour into the dessert cups.

7. 冷藏至少 4 小時或過夜 (建議)。
7. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight (suggested).

8. 食用時,淋上紅莓醬、新鮮草莓或其他水果 (隨個人喜歡)。
8. To serve, add raspberry sauce, fresh strawberries or other fruits as you prefer.

初次成品已經不失禮人呀! ^^
Have no shame in my first attempt! ^^

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

HooMade。聖誕裝飾 Christmas Decor

個人很欣賞那些 DIY 的裝飾及設計,可惜自問是一個沒有耐性的人,太複雜、材料太多,或要不停重覆做同一個動作的,都會令我失去理智。所以 DIY 設計越簡單,我便越不能自拔! 然後, 這天給我在 Pinterst 看到一個簡單到不行的小手作 - 廁紙筒聖誕鹿。道具及步驟實在簡單得讓我一眼便愛上: 一個廁紙筒及一把剪刀。我急不及待試著造,不用 5 分鐘便完成 (像我這種 DIY 門外漢)!實在太太簡單了!

I myself am a fan of DIY decorating and design ideas. Unfortunately, I am not a patient person. The complicated process, the huge quantity of materials, or the indefinite repetition of a single step just simply drive me nuts. Thus, the simpler the DIY concept, the harder for me to pull myself out of it. And lucky me! Today I have seen the simplest DIY idea ever on Pinterest - a toilet paper roll reindeer! The tools and steps are simple enough to have me falling in love at my first sight: a toilet paper roll and a pair of scissors. I just couldn't wait to try and it took me, a totally new hand of DIY, only 5 minutes to make it! How incredible!

After the main frame, it is then up to you to have how many of reindeer and
what kind of decoration you want to add onto them. 
(源 source:http://clipzine.me/u/clip/11948498376201292724)

They are my very first test samples. Unfortunately the toilet paper rolls at home are all printed with text, so I could only get 2 printed reindeer... 

Pinterest 是一個很好的資訊分享平台,它不單單給人分享自拍照 (如 Instagram),或分享生活瑣事 (如 Facebook),它更像是一個相簿,將你 “有興趣” 的圖片分門別類的 “釘” 起來;而圖片當中會到很多潮流服飾、化裝貼士、家居設計、創意用物、及 DIY 製作等等很有養份的創意產物。

Pinterest is a infotainment platform for information sharing which is not merely for selfies (such as Instagram), or trivial matters of everyday life (such as Facebook), but with the approach of being an album that let you to "pin" those pictures which you are "interested" in; You can find plenty of pictures coming with the creative ideas of fashion, home furnishing, living style, art, DIY, and etc.

Pictures are all categorised so users can easily find what they are interested in. 

Christmas is coming, let's go and have a look to get some inspiration. 

實用連結 Useful links:


Miss Hoo Hoo Pinterest:

Friday, 22 November 2013

HooSee。記憶旅程 Journey of Memory


"Travellers we are, in this journey of memory."
"Aboard together we might, and get off at different times."
"Still, memory lingers"

"記憶月台" 是 Kingston 由英國真人真事改編而成的記憶棒推銷廣告。是的,產品毫不浪漫;但廣告,卻真的很感人。廣告沒有刻意去催淚,但充分表現了兩個人相知、相遇、相愛,到共同生活,最後分開的各段愛的回憶。與愛的人分開的那一天,一定會到臨,但會是哪一天,卻無人能預測;所以,要道歉或要道謝,都不要猶豫,因為那可能會成為改變你們共同記憶的一個轉捩點;別忘了補上一句 "我愛你" 呀!

"A memory to remember" is a commercial from Kingston, which is inspired by a true story in England, for promoting their USB devices. The product itself has nothing to do with feeling, but the commercial. It doesn't have any plot to gain your tears intentionally, but it fully demonstrates the love memories of how the two people meet, fall in love, build a family and finally being apart. The day to be apart with your love one will definitely come, but no one can guess when and how. Therefore, if there is a "sorry" or "thank you" you are hesitating to say, just do it without delay or doubt, it might completely change your mutual memories. Oh don't forget to add a "I love you".


Mind The Gap....Mind The Gap....Mind The Gap.......................................

"... 65歲的英國婦人瑪格麗特,和老公奧斯華1992年在摩洛哥邂逅,兩人相戀、結婚、生子,11年婚姻生活幸福美滿,直到2007年,奧斯華因病過世。


Commercial related news:

"After the Tube train had disappeared into the tunnel, you could still find Dr Margaret McCollum sitting on the platform bench, lost in thought.
A few minutes later, another train would arrive. 'Mind the gap!' said the voice on the loudspeaker to disembarking passengers, and Dr McCollum smiled... and still she stayed.
For although that announcement became familiar to millions travelling on the London Underground at Embankment station, the voice had a special significance for Dr McCollum, a recently widowed GP.

The voice was her husband's, and in countless, poignant moments since actor Oswald Laurence died in 2007, she has remained on the platform just to hear him speak.

Then last year, Transport For London finally brought the curtain down on Mr Laurence's only remaining stage – the northbound Northern Line platform at Embankment – in favour of a bland, digitised announcement...."

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

HooMade。威尼斯特飲 Spritz

到威尼斯,除了品嘗意大利咖啡外,不要忘記試試顏色艷麗卻帶一點點苦味的地道雞尾酒 “斯普茨” Spritz。如果試過後愛上了,就將它帶回家吧! 

In Venice,  besides the Italian coffee, don't forget to try the local drink Spritz, a vivid coloured cocktail with a slightly bitter taste. If you fall in love with this refreshing and light cocktail after tasting, you can simply bring it home. 
A vivid orange cocktail garnished with an orange slice.

After a long walk, select a cafe at random and take a pause for this aperitif.

感謝好友 Marie, 讓我可在法國再一次回味威尼斯的感覺。要自家製 Spritz 實在很簡單,只要備齊 3 寶便可以:苦酒波西克” Prosecco 氣酒,及有氣礦泉水。酒是主要給 Spritz 添上鮮艷顏色及那點苦味的來源,慣常用上的主要有 “艾普羅” Aperol、“金巴利” Campari 及 “西娜爾” CynarProsecco 在 “威尼托” Veneto 及 “弗留利-威尼斯朱利亞” Friuli-Venezia Giulia 地區出產的氣酒專有名稱,用香檳或其他氣酒代替也是可以的;至於有氣礦泉水,想全意式就選用意大利的 “聖沛黎洛” San Pellegrino 吧。

Thanks my dear friend Marie who has brought me a chance to recapture the Venetian spirit. Spritz can be easily made at home. You just need to stock up 3 ingredients: bitter liqueur, Prosecco and sparkling water. The bitter liqueur, such as Aperol, Campari and Cynar, is the major substance that gives Spritz its bright colour and bittersweet flavour; Prosecco is an Italian sparkling wine produced in the regions of Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia, you can substitute Champagne or other sparkling wines for that; and for the sparkling water, choose the Italian San Pellegrino if you want to have a taste of pure Italian flavour.

這是我們的材料:"沛綠雅” Perrier、法國氣酒,及 Aperol。
Here are our ingredients: Perrier, French sparkling wine, and Aperol .

Aperol 柳橙味苦酒生產商很貼心地將調製份量建議印在瓶身上 (說穿了就是市場推廣的技倆,好讓大家都將苦酒等同於 Aperol 罷了):3 份氣酒 +2 份苦酒  + 1 份有氣礦泉水;先將苦酒加入杯,然後氣酒,最後加入有氣礦泉水;再加一片柳橙片作裝飾便完成,喜歡的話加入欖橄亦可。

The manufacturer of Aperol, a bitter orange liqueur, considerately put the recipe with a base ratio of each ingredient at the back of the bottle (to put it bluntly, it is simply a devious marketing trick to 
indoctrinate the customers with the beliefs that the bitter liqueur means Aperol): 3 parts of sparkling wine + 2 parts of bitter liqueur + 1 part of sparkling water; Pour in the bitter liqueur and then sparkling wine, and finally top off with sparkling water. It is usually garnished with a slice of orange, and an olive if preferred.  

Spritz 的酒精含量很低,配上那鮮艷的顏色及那甜甜澀澀的獨有味道,是酒量低的女仕們的一個很好的選擇。為威尼斯飲杯! 

Its low alcohol content, vivid color and special bittersweet flavour make Spritz definitely a good companion for the ladies who are light drinkers. Cincin for Venice!

Friday, 8 November 2013

HooTravel。面具威尼斯 Masks in Venice


傳統威尼斯面具分別有嘉年華面具(傳統用來隱閉面容的面具及即興藝術喜劇面具(多用於喜劇表演時)兩類型,而材料方面主要以紙糊製及皮革製為主。現代的狂歡節慶祝活動為威尼斯面具的造型注入了新的活力, 但同時亦引導了新的製造方法 - 量產塑膠製品。

如果想買一個獨一無二的面具,建議找家離遊客區 (如聖馬可廣場) 遠一點的自家紙 / 皮製面具店,因為量產的塑膠面具,只有形卻沒有了那傳統工藝的精粹,感覺就像在倫敦 "哈洛德” Harrods 百貨買中國製的包包一樣⋯⋯

Besides the canals and its transports, how can we talk of Venice without mentioning its famous Venetian masks?  There are shops in Venice teaching you to make your own mask, which sounds fun. But if you have no time or you are very bad at art, simply choose a nice shop and buy your favourite mask will be good enough, considering that it is a way to appreciate the profession of the mask-makers.

Traditional Venetian masks can classify into Carnival Masks (the traditional masks use to hide the faces) and Commedia dell'Arte Masks (use during the traditional Italian comedy performances). These authentic masks are mainly made of papier mâché or leatherThe modern celebration of Carnival has reinvigorated the style of Venetian masks, meanwhile, has induced a new way of production way - mass production in plastic.  

If you want to get an unique mask, get away from the heavy tourist areas (such as Piazza San Marco) and find a paper / leather handcrafted mask shop hidden in the alley. Buying a junk plastic mask in Venice is simply like to buy a made-in China handbag in Harrods London - an absence of the real essence of craftsmanship and authenticity.

Mask shops with all kind of masks can be found everywhere. 

Stroll away from the crowds and you can find more special and exotic masks.

Junk plastic masks always come with a competitive price.
Find a paper or leather mask for a better quality even it costs more.  

嘉年華面具:華麗的 Volto 全面面具連服裝
Carnival Masks: Glamorous Volto full mask with costumes

嘉年華面具:Gatto 貓面具
Carnival Masks: Gatto cat mask

嘉年華面具:Medico della Peste 瘟疫醫生面具
Carnival Masks: Medico della Peste the plaque doctor mask 

即興藝術喜劇面具: Columbina 半面面具
Commedia dell'Arte Masks : Columbina half mask

 即興藝術喜劇面具:Jester 小丑面具
Commedia dell'Arte Masks : Jester clown mask

V 煞是很受歡迎的款式
 Very popular V for Vendetta mask

最後我走到一家在聖保羅區的店 “卡薩諾瓦面具店” Casanova Mask,被它那實而不華的工作室裝潢所吸引而停下了腳步。只見老闆獨個兒在掛滿面具的店內默默地將煮溶了的紙糊塗在模具上,整家店都充滿著工匠的尊嚴。

At the end I was cemented to the front of a shop Casanova Mask in San Polo by it's simple and unadorned crafts workshop style. By seeing the owner who was alone standing at the work bench layering the pulp over the mold, the very air around him exuded the dignity of a craftsman. 

老闆跟他的店一樣樸實。他會很有禮貌及耐性地回答你每一個問題,但可看出他其實心繫手上的工作多於一切! 就像打拳的要 “拳不離手” 一樣,工匠的手亦不能停下來! 你可以在店內隨便蹓躂,亦可駐足觀看面具的製作過程。

The owner is as guileless as his shop.  He is decent and patient to every of your questions, but after all, he is a kind of true mask-makers who prefers making to selling. Just like "boxing cannot dispense with the hands", a craftsman's hands no rest must work! You can stroll around the shop without disturbance or stay and watch how a mask is being made. 

The shop is cluttered with the massive clay molds.

最終我選購了一個威尼斯傳奇人物卡薩諾瓦面具,承為 40 歐元。
Eventually, I have bought a Venetian legendary adventurer 
Casanova mask which costs 40.

Monday, 4 November 2013

HooTravel。交通威尼斯 Transports in Venice

時間之父在威尼斯這個水都中彷彿被縱橫城市的 150 條大小運河弄得威力大減,令時間變得不太被重視。

在威尼斯,無論你心裡有多著急,手腳卻無能為力,因為,這裡的唯一交通功具是船。面對那近在尺的對岸,感覺就像在紅燈下等過那 5 步能過的馬路,可惜游過去並不在選擇之列;其他選擇有等待那跟時間表走的水巴士、那貴得驚人的水的士,或繞 15 分鐘路到過島橋;久而久之,威尼斯人均被訓練得從容不迫。

威尼斯人對各樣交通功具的稱呼跟我們的沒兩樣:巴士、的士、救護車、消防車 (意大利語)⋯ 名字上的 “水” 字 (英語),主要是讓遊客容易理解而已。讓我在這裡介紹一下威尼斯的各樣交通功具。

In Venice, the City of Water, the influence of Father Time seems to be diminished by the 150 canals, which results in the importance of Time becomes feeble.

In Venice, no matter how hurry you are in, you don't have much choices because the only transport is boat. Facing the opposite bank with reach, the feeling is just like waiting for the red traffic light in front of the road which could be crossed in 5 steps; Unfortunately swimming is not an option, so the remaining options are waiting for the water bus which operates according to the scheduled timetable, taking the extremely expensive water taxi or walking for 15 minutes to reach the bridge. In the course of time, Venetians are trained to be relaxed.

The transports in Venice have the same names like ours: bus, taxi, ambulance, fire truck (in Italian). The word "water" is more designed for tourists for easier understanding (in English).  Let me show you some of the transports in Venice.

 在威尼斯,船速不是以節 (海里/小時), 卻像汽車般以公里/小時計算。
In Venice, boat speed does not measure in Knot (Mile/hr) but in Km/hr like vehicle.

Petrol station

 “車” 廠
"Car" factory

救護 “車” 

郵政 “車” 
Mail truck

消防 “車”。Vigili Del Fuoco = 消防人員
Fire truck.Vigili Del Fuoco = Firefighters


機場巴士 Alilgaguna, 從機場到威尼斯,網上售價 25 歐元來回。
Alilgaguna airport bus connects the airport and Venice. Online price of a 2-way ticket costs 25

巴士 ACTV,  單程票 7 歐元,可在機場買不同日數的套票無限乘搭 (例如 3 日 35 歐元) 
ACTV bus. A single ticket costs 7. Can buy a Tourist Travel Card which allows unlimited travel (e.g. 35 for 3 days).

"No" "No" "Nein" "Non" standing at the front part of the bus.

離開酒店叫的士?沒問題,起跳 8.7 歐元,之後每分鐘 1.3 歐元。
Call taxi while leaving the hotel? No problem. A fixed starting price of 8.7 then a charge of 1.30 per minute.

 左: 黃色巴士站;右: 的士站
Left: Yellow bus stop; Right: taxi stand

搬屋 / 運貨,可以找貨車。
Truck for moving house / bulky goods.

貢多拉主要是給遊客乘坐的,每艘可坐最多 6 人,40 分鐘觀光旅程 80 歐元起。
Nowadays Gondolas are mainly for tourists. A 40-min trip along the canals is from 80€ with up to 6 passengers.

 4 艘貢多拉一拼起行,還有歌曲助慶。
4-in-1 Gondola with a musical serenade.

在陸地上走的巴士只有在 Lido 島上找到 (或連接意大利內陸的自由大橋)。
The bus on the road can only be found on the Island Lido (or Ponte della Libertà / Freedom Bridge, the bridge connects Venice to the mainland) .

實用連結 Useful links:

Venice City 

Alilaguna airport bus

ACTV bus


Wednesday, 30 October 2013

HooSee。做巴黎人 Become Parisian

星期一晚被邀請出席一神秘活動,到場時發現是要觀看一場棟篤笑,第一個反應就是 “法文棟篤笑?怎會看得明白呀?”,然而卻從大堂的觀眾口中傳來很多英語對話,再看看票上的表演名稱:“How to become Parisian in one hour" (如何在一小時內成為巴黎人),終於意會到那是一場用英語演譯的棟篤笑。

I was invited to attend a surprised event on Monday evening. When I discovered that we were going to watch a stand-up comedy show, my first response was: "A French comedy ? How could I understand?". Meanwhile, I noticed how English conversations were overwhelming the entire lobby, plus the name of the show" How to become Parisian in one hour", I finally realised that it was a stand-up comedy performed in English. 

法藉表演者 Olivier Giraud 對表演的抽述:『百分之百英語喜劇。如紐約時報評論 通過喜劇學習成為法國人!” 你喜歡巴黎,但你認為巴黎人很無禮!你說得對,他們正是這樣!不要等待,來參加這個超過 20 萬名觀眾認可的訓練課程!!這是享受巴黎不缺可少的生存指南!不推介 16 歲以下兒童入場!』

The description of the show from the French performer Olivier Giraud: "Comedy show 100 % in English, reviewed by the New York Times as ' Learning to be French Through Comedy !' You love Paris but you think that Parisians are rude! You're right, they are! Don’t wait and come to THE training approved by more than 200 000 spectators !!!This is THE ESSENTIAL SURVIVAL GUIDE to enjoy Paris ! NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN UNDER 16 !"

沒有華麗佈景或裝飾,Olivier 在一小時內就在小小的表演台上獨自用簡單易明的英語,配合各種誇張的肢體動作及表情,教觀眾如何在的士、地鐵、餐廳、商店、派對⋯ 表現得像個巴黎人,全方位 (態度、面部表情及語言) 取笑巴黎人!他會模仿各國遊客的表現 (模仿首位是巴黎人,次位就是美國人,因為他曾在美國住了 5 年),如美國人如何見到什麼事都驚奇一番 (Oh my God!),然後反過來拿巴黎人的 "冷淡無禮" 作對比。

No props, music or costumes, Olivier is alone onstage for a full hour, using simple English, body language and facial expressions depicting Parisians and how they behave in taxi, metro, restaurants  shops, parties... and pokes fun at all aspects of Parisian like attitudes, facial expressions and languages! He satirised the tourists with all nationalities (Parisians are the main dish, and Americans come the next as he has lived in America for 5 years), for example, how Americans feel amazed on everything they see (Oh my God!), then contrast with the "cold and rude" attitude of Parisians, for better or worst. 

Olivier 的很多笑位都蠻踩界,稍一過火可能會得罪某些國藉的觀眾,甚至本地巴黎人;但得恰如其分,而且往往在諷刺過後都會補上一個開懷的笑容,讓大家都不會太感到被冒犯。全場高潮位要數那找現場觀眾上台合作表演的環節。大家在 Olivier 的密集式笑話下愉快地就過了一小時。散場後他還會站在出口跟大家合照,讓觀眾們盡興而歸。

Many of Olivier's jokes are just at the boundaries, a slight step could cross the line and offend some of the audience, even the locals. However, his performance is apt and he cleverly adds an enlightening smile after completion of every joke so to soften the offensive feeling of the audience.  The audience participation section is surely the climax of the show. All audience are laughing and enjoying under Olivier's intensive hilarious jokes an hour long. After the show, he even stays at the exit to take photos with everyone.

這個棟篤笑由 2009 年開始,最初大家都笑他傻,怎會有人想在巴黎做一場全英語的棟篤笑?結果 Olivier 決家由自己出品製作;經過了 4 年時間,現在已得到超過 20 萬觀眾的保證(Oh la la~)! 現場所見觀眾來自世界各地,更意外的是本地法國人也不少,證明法國人是會說英語的!

This comedy was born in 2009. At first, everybody laughed at his silly idea on having a 100% English comedy in Paris. That's why he finally created his own company and produced by himself. At the 4th year, there now have been more than 200,000 spectators (Oh la la ~)! I am surprised to see the audience who are from all over the world, and even more surprised to see quite a lot of French (Parisians & from Provence), proving that French indeed speak English! 

這場棟篤笑會在巴黎 Théâtre des Nouveautés 劇院(這劇院空間並不寬尚,但無損興緻) 一直演出至 2004 年 6 月 (不知道下年會否轉場地,買票時最好看清楚);另外 Olivier 亦會在倫敦 Leicester Square Theatre 演出。如果下次來巴黎想找點新鮮事做,不妨去看一下,保證你那一小時不會浪費掉。

This stand-up comedy will be performed at Theatre Des Nouveautes (this theatre is a small one but wouldn't affect your mood to enjoy) until June 2004 (the venue may be changed later so better to check when do the booking). He will also have shows at Leicester Square Theatre in London. If you come to Paris and want to do something new, go and watch this show, I promise your precious one hour won't be wasted.

表演 Show: How to become Parisian in one hour?

場地 Venue:Théâtre des Nouveautés, 24 Boulevard Poissonnière, 75009 Paris 
票價 Price : 24.00 to 37.00 €
日期 Date:逢星期五至一 Fridays to Mondays

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