Sunday, 27 October 2013

HooSee。讓 - 穆克 Ron Mueck

雖然又凍又落雨,但今天是超現實主義澳洲藉藝術家 Ron Mueck 超迫真人像雕卡地亞當代藝術基金會最後一天的展出 (本來 9 月 29 日便完展,但因反應熱烈而延長 1 個月),一定要親眼去看看雕像上的皮膚紋及毛孔!

Although it is cold and raining, today is the last day of the exhibition of Ron Mueck, the Australian hyperrealist artist which presents his human sculptures (The exhibition has extended for a month due to the unexpected positive response) at La Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain. Must have to go and see how he reproduces the minute detail of the human body like wrinkles and even pores by my own eyes! 

今次展覽共展出了 9 件作品,其中 3 件是首次展出,分別為 夫婦在傘下 (Couple under an umbrella)”、“女子與購物 (Woman with shopping)” 及 “青年男女 (Young couple)” 。眾展品中,我最喜歡的是 夫婦在傘下”、 “女子與柴枝 (Woman with sticks)” 和 “面具 (Mask II)”;而相信大部份參觀者在 夫婦在傘下” 和 “面具 II” 前都會像雕塑般靜止不動上好一會。

There are totally 9 sculptures being presented at the exhibition and 3 of them are exhibited for the first time: "Couple under an umbrella", "Woman with shopping" and "Young couple". My vote goes for "Couple under an umbrella", "Woman with sticks" and "Mask II". And there should have no doubt that "Couple under an umbrella" and "Mask II" have their charms to make most of the visitors staying still like sculptures for a good while.  

Couple under an umbrella 
2003 - 300 x 400 x 350 cm

What could it be if "he" is not a real person?!
Woman with shopping 
2013 : 113 x 46 x 30 cm

Young couple
2003 : 89 x 43 x 23 cm

Woman with sticks
2009 - 170 x 183 x 120 cm

"面具 II”
Mask II
2002 - 77 x 118 x 85 cm

親眼看到 Ron Mueck 的超迫真人像雕塑的那一刻,真的震驚得目定口呆! 若不是雕塑尺寸超現實 (超巨型或迷你型),實在不能相信那些不是真人! 人體上每一條紋理、毛髮、毛孔、動靜脈、皮膚底的紅血管以致膚色的不均勻,甚至指甲及鼻毛,通通都清清楚楚的展現在眼前! 非親眼見過是不能感受到那份震撼! 


At my first sight to see the human sculptures of Ron Mueck, I was astonished and silenced by their hyper realistic! It is hard to believe that they are not real, luckily the artist always plays with the scale of his sculptures (either in mega or mini size). Every single fine line on skin, hair, pores, arteriovenous, the uneven colour of skin due to the blood vessels underneath, nails, nasal hair... all are presented in high definition! The astonished feeling can only be understood by seeing with your own eyes!

A must see exhibition!

相關連結 Links

Ron Mueck 維基 wikipedia

Ron Mueck 面書 Facebook

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