Monday, 21 October 2013

HooMade。巴西特飲 Caipirinha

周末在朋友家饗用了一頓美味的巴西家常飯,並初次品嘗了自家製的巴西雞尾酒 “卡皮莉亞” Caipirinha! 感覺有點像沒有了薄荷葉及薄荷味的 Mojito,但多了一份甘蔗的味道。製作過程十分簡單,大家都可以來個自家出品。

Last weekend, I has enjoyed a delicious Brazilian dinner at my friend's home, and for the first time, I has tasted a homemade Brazilian cocktail Caipirinha! The taste of this cocktail is a bit similar to Mojito, but without mint leaves and mint taste, and with more of the sugar cane taste. This drink is easy to prepare, so everyone can have his/her homemade one.

“卡皮莉亞” Caipirinha 是一種巴西的地道雞尾酒,主要成分是 “卡沙薩” cachaça 甘蔗酒、糖和青檸檬。由於這次調製過程由我的巴西朋友親身示範,故此我會稱它為地道配方。要注意材料份量會根據個人喜好及調製份量而有所不同 (我們這次是調製 6 人份的)。如果是逐杯調製,那麼杯的大小也要考慮。所以建議可以一邊調製一邊試味。

Caipirinha is a national drink of Brazil which is made with cachaça, sugar and lime. As this demonstration is done by my Brazilian friend so I call it an authentic recipe. Beware that the quantity of ingredients varies according to personal preferences and the number of serves you are going to prepare (for us, we have prepared 6 serves).  If it is prepared by glass, its should be put in consideration as well. It is recommended to do the taste test while making the cocktail.

材料 Ingredients

碎冰 Crushed Ice
People usually use ice cubes which are easier to prepare. Here we have used the crushed ice which can enhance the refreshing and breezy flavour of the drink. Suggest to prepare more. 

青檸檬 Limes
我們使用來自巴西的青檸檬,比在市場上看到的大,  所以用了 4 顆。平常 1 顆 1 杯也可以。另外多準備 1 顆作裝飾用。多數人會保留果皮,而我們就除去了。
Here we have picked the limes from Brazil which are bigger than those we usually find in the market, therefore we have used 4 of that. Normally 1 lime per 1 serve is fine. Keep one lime for decoration use. People use to keep the peels but we have peeled them off. 

“卡沙薩” Cachaça 
巴西一種由發酵的甘蔗汁蒸餾的酒精飲品。我們用的是自家製的 cachaça。在市場上購買白 cachaça (透明色) 即可。
A distilled alcoholic beverage in Brazil which is made from fermented sugar cane juice. Here we have used a homemade cachaça. Choose to buy the white cachaça (transparent).

天然蔗糖 Raw Cane Sugar
很多人會使用幼白砂糖,而我們就選擇使用蔗糖,以更加配合 cachaça 的味道。
People usually use fine white sugar, but we have chosen to use cane sugar in order to harmonise with the taste of cachaça.

步驟 Steps

* 將冰塊打碎成碎冰。 
  Crush the ice cubes into crushed ice.

* 將青檸檬去皮並將其切成 8 塊 。
  Remove the peels and cut each lime into eight wedges.

* 將青檸檬角及糖加在容器,用攪拌棒擠壓青檸檬以擠出檸檬汁,再倒入酒。
  Add lime wedges and sugar into a container and muddle the limes to release the juice.
  Then add cachaça.

* 加入碎冰並攪拌。 
   Add crushed ice and stir the drink.

* 在杯內加入碎冰並將已混合的酒連青檸檬角倒入。
  Fill the glass up with crushed ice and pour in the mixed liquid together with the lime wedges.

* 加上一片或一角青檸檬作裝飾。
  Decorate the glass with a slice / wedge of lime. 

完成!乾杯! Done! Cheers!

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