Monday, 7 October 2013

HooVisit。走進森林 Into the Wild

在巴黎想親近大自然,不是沒可能,不過要付出點點時間及勞力,就是要出走到巴黎市郊 。

在巴黎四周市郊大概有 4 ﹣ 5 個出名的森林,而西北的市郊 Maisons-Laffitte 及 Saint-Germain-en-Laye 中間就有一個森林 Forêt Domaniale de Saint-Germain-en-Laye(經 Maisons-Laffitte 進入) / Forêt de Saint-Germain-en-Laye (經 Saint-Germain-en-Laye 進入)。

由巴黎市中心去要先到達地鐵站 Charles de Gaulle-Étoile (1/2/6 號線) (即凱旋門那個站),然後轉 RER A 線到 Maisons-Laffitte(A3 或 A5 線)或 Saint-Germain-en-Laye (A1 線) 站。緊記要留意列車是否經你要去的站,否則上錯車就麻煩了~

In Paris, it is possible to get into the wild, but need some time and efforts - go to the suburbs (les banlieues) of Paris.

There are around 4 - 5 well-known forests in Paris suburbs, and this one, La Forêt Domaniale de Saint-Germain-en-Laye (if go from Maisons-Laffitte) / La Forêt de Saint-Germain-en-Laye (enter from Saint-Germain-en-Laye), is situated in the north-west of Paris.

By going there, you need to go to Charles de Gaulle-Étoile metro station (line 1, 2, 6) (i.e. the station to go to l'Arc du Triomphe), then take the RER line A to Maisons-Laffitte (line A3 or A5) or Saint-Germain-en-Laye (line A1). Remember to check if the coming train is heading to your destination. 

以馬匹之城聞名,而且當然少不了拉斐特城堡(離 RER 站約 10 分鐘步行路程);
Well-known as Le Cité du Cheval. Take the chance to visit the famous La Château de Maisons Laffitte (~10 minutes walk from the RER station); or, you can go to Beijing to see the copy one...

[Forêt Domaniale de Saint-Germain-en-Laye]
秋天到臨,森林全地都布滿一顆顆栗子果實。要小心外榖, 因為硬而帶刺;要帶回家吃就一定要選這種外殼有刺的栗子,因為另一種外穀面表沒有刺的是有毒的。 
In Autumn, you can find a "chestnut forest floor" waiting for you to bring back as much chestnuts as you want. Remember to get the chestnuts (les châtaignes) extracted from those with spiny outer cases because those with non-spiny outer cases are conkers (les maroons) which are poisonous. 

 [Forêt Domaniale de Saint-Germain-en-Laye]
菇菌越豔麗就越有毒~ 所以說,不要被表像欺騙,不論是看人、看栗子還是看磨菇~
"Poisonous mushrooms are brightly colored". It can also be applied on judging people and choosing chestnuts / conkers~

Saint-Germain-en-Laye 城堡就在 RER 站旁
La Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye is right next to the RER station

A creepy flooding bed placed in the centre of the fountain... 

If you don't want to get into the forest, it is also good to walk in the garden / park.

View from the park

View of Paris from the park

[Forêt de Saint-Germain-en-Laye]
森林外圍充滿著各類詭異 “藝術”, 例如這個人體 X 光片角⋯
There are some creepy "arts corners" located in the peripherals of the forest, 
like this human X-ray films corner...

[Forêt de Saint-Germain-en-Laye]
There is a small goat pen with a sign warning visitors not to feed the goats 
with the followings:  sugar, conkers, and plastic bags...

實用連結 Useful links:-


遊巴黎,出發前記得要下載這個公共交通 App:RATP,只要輸入地址、名勝,或地鐵站名字,就能告訴你要坐哪條線,在哪轉線,須時多久。而且不單是地鐵,巴士資料也有的。
Before going to Paris, remember to download and install this transportation App: RATP. Just need to input the address, or site-seeing place, or metro station, it can then let you know which line you need to take, where to change the line, and how long will it take. Not only the info of metro but also that of bus lines. 

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