星期一晚被邀請出席一神秘活動,到場時發現是要觀看一場棟篤笑,第一個反應就是 “法文棟篤笑?怎會看得明白呀?”,然而卻從大堂的觀眾口中傳來很多英語對話,再看看票上的表演名稱:“How to become Parisian in one hour" (如何在一小時內成為巴黎人),終於意會到那是一場用英語演譯的棟篤笑。
I was invited to attend a surprised event on Monday evening. When I discovered that we were going to watch a stand-up comedy show, my first response was: "A French comedy ? How could I understand?". Meanwhile, I noticed how English conversations were overwhelming the entire lobby, plus the name of the show" How to become Parisian in one hour", I finally realised that it was a stand-up comedy performed in English.
法藉表演者 Olivier Giraud 對表演的抽述:『百分之百英語喜劇。如紐約時報評論 “通過喜劇學習成為法國人!” 你喜歡巴黎,但你認為巴黎人很無禮!你說得對,他們正是這樣!不要等待,來參加這個超過 20 萬名觀眾認可的訓練課程!!這是享受巴黎不缺可少的生存指南!不推介 16 歲以下兒童入場!』
The description of the show from the French performer Olivier Giraud: "Comedy show 100 % in English, reviewed by the New York Times as ' Learning to be French Through Comedy !' You love Paris but you think that Parisians are rude! You're right, they are! Don’t wait and come to THE training approved by more than 200 000 spectators !!!This is THE ESSENTIAL SURVIVAL GUIDE to enjoy Paris ! NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN UNDER 16 !"
沒有華麗佈景或裝飾,Olivier 在一小時內就在小小的表演台上獨自用簡單易明的英語,配合各種誇張的肢體動作及表情,教觀眾如何在的士、地鐵、餐廳、商店、派對⋯ 表現得像個巴黎人,全方位 (態度、面部表情及語言) 取笑巴黎人!他會模仿各國遊客的表現 (模仿首位是巴黎人,次位就是美國人,因為他曾在美國住了 5 年),如美國人如何見到什麼事都驚奇一番 (Oh my God!),然後反過來拿巴黎人的 "冷淡無禮" 作對比。
No props, music or costumes, Olivier is alone onstage for a full hour, using simple English, body language and facial expressions depicting Parisians and how they behave in taxi, metro, restaurants shops, parties... and pokes fun at all aspects of Parisian like attitudes, facial expressions and languages! He satirised the tourists with all nationalities (Parisians are the main dish, and Americans come the next as he has lived in America for 5 years), for example, how Americans feel amazed on everything they see (Oh my God!), then contrast with the "cold and rude" attitude of Parisians, for better or worst.
Olivier 的很多笑位都蠻踩界,稍一過火可能會得罪某些國藉的觀眾,甚至本地巴黎人;但他拿掐得恰如其分,而且往往在諷刺過後都會補上一個開懷的笑容,讓大家都不會太感到被冒犯。全場高潮位要數那找現場觀眾上台合作表演的環節。大家在 Olivier 的密集式笑話下愉快地就過了一小時。散場後他還會站在出口跟大家合照,讓觀眾們盡興而歸。
Many of Olivier's jokes are just at the boundaries, a slight step could cross the line and offend some of the audience, even the locals. However, his performance is apt and he cleverly adds an enlightening smile after completion of every joke so to soften the offensive feeling of the audience. The audience participation section is surely the climax of the show. All audience are laughing and enjoying under Olivier's intensive hilarious jokes an hour long. After the show, he even stays at the exit to take photos with everyone.
這個棟篤笑由 2009 年開始,最初大家都笑他傻,怎會有人想在巴黎做一場全英語的棟篤笑?結果 Olivier 決家由自己出品製作;經過了 4 年時間,現在已得到超過 20 萬觀眾的保證(Oh la la~)! 現場所見觀眾來自世界各地,更意外的是本地法國人也不少,證明法國人是會說英語的!
This comedy was born in 2009. At first, everybody laughed at his silly idea on having a 100% English comedy in Paris. That's why he finally created his own company and produced by himself. At the 4th year, there now have been more than 200,000 spectators (Oh la la ~)! I am surprised to see the audience who are from all over the world, and even more surprised to see quite a lot of French (Parisians & from Provence), proving that French indeed speak English!
這場棟篤笑會在巴黎 Théâtre des Nouveautés 劇院(這劇院空間並不寬尚,但無損興緻) 一直演出至 2004 年 6 月 (不知道下年會否轉場地,買票時最好看清楚);另外 Olivier 亦會在倫敦 Leicester Square Theatre 演出。如果下次來巴黎想找點新鮮事做,不妨去看一下,保證你那一小時不會浪費掉。
This stand-up comedy will be performed at Theatre Des Nouveautes (this theatre is a small one but wouldn't affect your mood to enjoy) until June 2004 (the venue may be changed later so better to check when do the booking). He will also have shows at Leicester Square Theatre in London. If you come to Paris and want to do something new, go and watch this show, I promise your precious one hour won't be wasted.
表演 Show: How to become Parisian in one hour?
場地 Venue:Théâtre des Nouveautés, 24 Boulevard Poissonnière, 75009 Paris
票價 Price : 24.00 to 37.00 €
日期 Date:逢星期五至一 Fridays to Mondays
- 部份圖片版權屬於表演相關網站 Copyrights of part of the photos belong to show-related websites.