Wednesday, 30 October 2013

HooSee。做巴黎人 Become Parisian

星期一晚被邀請出席一神秘活動,到場時發現是要觀看一場棟篤笑,第一個反應就是 “法文棟篤笑?怎會看得明白呀?”,然而卻從大堂的觀眾口中傳來很多英語對話,再看看票上的表演名稱:“How to become Parisian in one hour" (如何在一小時內成為巴黎人),終於意會到那是一場用英語演譯的棟篤笑。

I was invited to attend a surprised event on Monday evening. When I discovered that we were going to watch a stand-up comedy show, my first response was: "A French comedy ? How could I understand?". Meanwhile, I noticed how English conversations were overwhelming the entire lobby, plus the name of the show" How to become Parisian in one hour", I finally realised that it was a stand-up comedy performed in English. 

法藉表演者 Olivier Giraud 對表演的抽述:『百分之百英語喜劇。如紐約時報評論 通過喜劇學習成為法國人!” 你喜歡巴黎,但你認為巴黎人很無禮!你說得對,他們正是這樣!不要等待,來參加這個超過 20 萬名觀眾認可的訓練課程!!這是享受巴黎不缺可少的生存指南!不推介 16 歲以下兒童入場!』

The description of the show from the French performer Olivier Giraud: "Comedy show 100 % in English, reviewed by the New York Times as ' Learning to be French Through Comedy !' You love Paris but you think that Parisians are rude! You're right, they are! Don’t wait and come to THE training approved by more than 200 000 spectators !!!This is THE ESSENTIAL SURVIVAL GUIDE to enjoy Paris ! NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN UNDER 16 !"

沒有華麗佈景或裝飾,Olivier 在一小時內就在小小的表演台上獨自用簡單易明的英語,配合各種誇張的肢體動作及表情,教觀眾如何在的士、地鐵、餐廳、商店、派對⋯ 表現得像個巴黎人,全方位 (態度、面部表情及語言) 取笑巴黎人!他會模仿各國遊客的表現 (模仿首位是巴黎人,次位就是美國人,因為他曾在美國住了 5 年),如美國人如何見到什麼事都驚奇一番 (Oh my God!),然後反過來拿巴黎人的 "冷淡無禮" 作對比。

No props, music or costumes, Olivier is alone onstage for a full hour, using simple English, body language and facial expressions depicting Parisians and how they behave in taxi, metro, restaurants  shops, parties... and pokes fun at all aspects of Parisian like attitudes, facial expressions and languages! He satirised the tourists with all nationalities (Parisians are the main dish, and Americans come the next as he has lived in America for 5 years), for example, how Americans feel amazed on everything they see (Oh my God!), then contrast with the "cold and rude" attitude of Parisians, for better or worst. 

Olivier 的很多笑位都蠻踩界,稍一過火可能會得罪某些國藉的觀眾,甚至本地巴黎人;但得恰如其分,而且往往在諷刺過後都會補上一個開懷的笑容,讓大家都不會太感到被冒犯。全場高潮位要數那找現場觀眾上台合作表演的環節。大家在 Olivier 的密集式笑話下愉快地就過了一小時。散場後他還會站在出口跟大家合照,讓觀眾們盡興而歸。

Many of Olivier's jokes are just at the boundaries, a slight step could cross the line and offend some of the audience, even the locals. However, his performance is apt and he cleverly adds an enlightening smile after completion of every joke so to soften the offensive feeling of the audience.  The audience participation section is surely the climax of the show. All audience are laughing and enjoying under Olivier's intensive hilarious jokes an hour long. After the show, he even stays at the exit to take photos with everyone.

這個棟篤笑由 2009 年開始,最初大家都笑他傻,怎會有人想在巴黎做一場全英語的棟篤笑?結果 Olivier 決家由自己出品製作;經過了 4 年時間,現在已得到超過 20 萬觀眾的保證(Oh la la~)! 現場所見觀眾來自世界各地,更意外的是本地法國人也不少,證明法國人是會說英語的!

This comedy was born in 2009. At first, everybody laughed at his silly idea on having a 100% English comedy in Paris. That's why he finally created his own company and produced by himself. At the 4th year, there now have been more than 200,000 spectators (Oh la la ~)! I am surprised to see the audience who are from all over the world, and even more surprised to see quite a lot of French (Parisians & from Provence), proving that French indeed speak English! 

這場棟篤笑會在巴黎 Théâtre des Nouveautés 劇院(這劇院空間並不寬尚,但無損興緻) 一直演出至 2004 年 6 月 (不知道下年會否轉場地,買票時最好看清楚);另外 Olivier 亦會在倫敦 Leicester Square Theatre 演出。如果下次來巴黎想找點新鮮事做,不妨去看一下,保證你那一小時不會浪費掉。

This stand-up comedy will be performed at Theatre Des Nouveautes (this theatre is a small one but wouldn't affect your mood to enjoy) until June 2004 (the venue may be changed later so better to check when do the booking). He will also have shows at Leicester Square Theatre in London. If you come to Paris and want to do something new, go and watch this show, I promise your precious one hour won't be wasted.

表演 Show: How to become Parisian in one hour?

場地 Venue:Théâtre des Nouveautés, 24 Boulevard Poissonnière, 75009 Paris 
票價 Price : 24.00 to 37.00 €
日期 Date:逢星期五至一 Fridays to Mondays

- 部份圖片版權屬於表演相關網站 Copyrights of part of the photos belong to show-related websites. 

Sunday, 27 October 2013

HooSee。讓 - 穆克 Ron Mueck

雖然又凍又落雨,但今天是超現實主義澳洲藉藝術家 Ron Mueck 超迫真人像雕卡地亞當代藝術基金會最後一天的展出 (本來 9 月 29 日便完展,但因反應熱烈而延長 1 個月),一定要親眼去看看雕像上的皮膚紋及毛孔!

Although it is cold and raining, today is the last day of the exhibition of Ron Mueck, the Australian hyperrealist artist which presents his human sculptures (The exhibition has extended for a month due to the unexpected positive response) at La Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain. Must have to go and see how he reproduces the minute detail of the human body like wrinkles and even pores by my own eyes! 

今次展覽共展出了 9 件作品,其中 3 件是首次展出,分別為 夫婦在傘下 (Couple under an umbrella)”、“女子與購物 (Woman with shopping)” 及 “青年男女 (Young couple)” 。眾展品中,我最喜歡的是 夫婦在傘下”、 “女子與柴枝 (Woman with sticks)” 和 “面具 (Mask II)”;而相信大部份參觀者在 夫婦在傘下” 和 “面具 II” 前都會像雕塑般靜止不動上好一會。

There are totally 9 sculptures being presented at the exhibition and 3 of them are exhibited for the first time: "Couple under an umbrella", "Woman with shopping" and "Young couple". My vote goes for "Couple under an umbrella", "Woman with sticks" and "Mask II". And there should have no doubt that "Couple under an umbrella" and "Mask II" have their charms to make most of the visitors staying still like sculptures for a good while.  

Couple under an umbrella 
2003 - 300 x 400 x 350 cm

What could it be if "he" is not a real person?!
Woman with shopping 
2013 : 113 x 46 x 30 cm

Young couple
2003 : 89 x 43 x 23 cm

Woman with sticks
2009 - 170 x 183 x 120 cm

"面具 II”
Mask II
2002 - 77 x 118 x 85 cm

親眼看到 Ron Mueck 的超迫真人像雕塑的那一刻,真的震驚得目定口呆! 若不是雕塑尺寸超現實 (超巨型或迷你型),實在不能相信那些不是真人! 人體上每一條紋理、毛髮、毛孔、動靜脈、皮膚底的紅血管以致膚色的不均勻,甚至指甲及鼻毛,通通都清清楚楚的展現在眼前! 非親眼見過是不能感受到那份震撼! 


At my first sight to see the human sculptures of Ron Mueck, I was astonished and silenced by their hyper realistic! It is hard to believe that they are not real, luckily the artist always plays with the scale of his sculptures (either in mega or mini size). Every single fine line on skin, hair, pores, arteriovenous, the uneven colour of skin due to the blood vessels underneath, nails, nasal hair... all are presented in high definition! The astonished feeling can only be understood by seeing with your own eyes!

A must see exhibition!

相關連結 Links

Ron Mueck 維基 wikipedia

Ron Mueck 面書 Facebook

展覽相網站 Links of exhibition:

- 圖片版權屬於展覽相關網站 Copyrights of photos belong to exhibition related websites

Monday, 21 October 2013

HooMade。巴西特飲 Caipirinha

周末在朋友家饗用了一頓美味的巴西家常飯,並初次品嘗了自家製的巴西雞尾酒 “卡皮莉亞” Caipirinha! 感覺有點像沒有了薄荷葉及薄荷味的 Mojito,但多了一份甘蔗的味道。製作過程十分簡單,大家都可以來個自家出品。

Last weekend, I has enjoyed a delicious Brazilian dinner at my friend's home, and for the first time, I has tasted a homemade Brazilian cocktail Caipirinha! The taste of this cocktail is a bit similar to Mojito, but without mint leaves and mint taste, and with more of the sugar cane taste. This drink is easy to prepare, so everyone can have his/her homemade one.

“卡皮莉亞” Caipirinha 是一種巴西的地道雞尾酒,主要成分是 “卡沙薩” cachaça 甘蔗酒、糖和青檸檬。由於這次調製過程由我的巴西朋友親身示範,故此我會稱它為地道配方。要注意材料份量會根據個人喜好及調製份量而有所不同 (我們這次是調製 6 人份的)。如果是逐杯調製,那麼杯的大小也要考慮。所以建議可以一邊調製一邊試味。

Caipirinha is a national drink of Brazil which is made with cachaça, sugar and lime. As this demonstration is done by my Brazilian friend so I call it an authentic recipe. Beware that the quantity of ingredients varies according to personal preferences and the number of serves you are going to prepare (for us, we have prepared 6 serves).  If it is prepared by glass, its should be put in consideration as well. It is recommended to do the taste test while making the cocktail.

材料 Ingredients

碎冰 Crushed Ice
People usually use ice cubes which are easier to prepare. Here we have used the crushed ice which can enhance the refreshing and breezy flavour of the drink. Suggest to prepare more. 

青檸檬 Limes
我們使用來自巴西的青檸檬,比在市場上看到的大,  所以用了 4 顆。平常 1 顆 1 杯也可以。另外多準備 1 顆作裝飾用。多數人會保留果皮,而我們就除去了。
Here we have picked the limes from Brazil which are bigger than those we usually find in the market, therefore we have used 4 of that. Normally 1 lime per 1 serve is fine. Keep one lime for decoration use. People use to keep the peels but we have peeled them off. 

“卡沙薩” Cachaça 
巴西一種由發酵的甘蔗汁蒸餾的酒精飲品。我們用的是自家製的 cachaça。在市場上購買白 cachaça (透明色) 即可。
A distilled alcoholic beverage in Brazil which is made from fermented sugar cane juice. Here we have used a homemade cachaça. Choose to buy the white cachaça (transparent).

天然蔗糖 Raw Cane Sugar
很多人會使用幼白砂糖,而我們就選擇使用蔗糖,以更加配合 cachaça 的味道。
People usually use fine white sugar, but we have chosen to use cane sugar in order to harmonise with the taste of cachaça.

步驟 Steps

* 將冰塊打碎成碎冰。 
  Crush the ice cubes into crushed ice.

* 將青檸檬去皮並將其切成 8 塊 。
  Remove the peels and cut each lime into eight wedges.

* 將青檸檬角及糖加在容器,用攪拌棒擠壓青檸檬以擠出檸檬汁,再倒入酒。
  Add lime wedges and sugar into a container and muddle the limes to release the juice.
  Then add cachaça.

* 加入碎冰並攪拌。 
   Add crushed ice and stir the drink.

* 在杯內加入碎冰並將已混合的酒連青檸檬角倒入。
  Fill the glass up with crushed ice and pour in the mixed liquid together with the lime wedges.

* 加上一片或一角青檸檬作裝飾。
  Decorate the glass with a slice / wedge of lime. 

完成!乾杯! Done! Cheers!

Friday, 18 October 2013

HooShop。普拉媽媽 La Mère Poulard

推介一個牌子的餅乾給大家下次來巴黎時作手信 - “普拉媽媽” (La Mère Poulard)。原產於法國西北面布列塔尼區 (Bretagne) 內的聖米歇爾山 (Le Mont Saint Michel), 十分鬆化、牛油香味很重的餅乾,吃了一塊就會停不了口。當我得知他們在巴黎也開了分店,便特地去買了回家吃! 他們的店就在 l'Opera 附近,坐地鐵到 Pyramides (7 / 14 線) 站下。

Here let me introduce you a brand of biscuits which you can buy as souvenirs next time when you come to Paris - La Mère Poulard. Originated in Le Mont Saint Michel in Bretagne, the Northwest of France, La Mère Poulard makes very crunchy, tasty and rich buttery biscuits. When I learned that they have opened a branch in Paris, I was so excited and couldn't wait to visit them! Their shop is close to l"Opera, can be reached by metro line 7 / 14 and out from Pyramides station.

餅身薄薄的餅乾,加入了焦糖,125 克包裝內有 16 塊 (8 塊一個獨立包裝)。
The thin biscuits with caramel. A 125g pack contains 16pcs  (8pcs per individual pack).

最傳統造法的餅乾,125 克包裝內有 16 塊 (8 塊一個獨立包裝)。
The traditional sugar crust biscuits. A 125g pack contains 16pcs (8pcs per individual pack).

厚身的餅乾,加入了焦糖及額外的雞蛋來製成,十分可口。125 克包裝內有 8 塊 (4 塊一個獨立包裝)。
The thick biscuits with caramel and extra eggs, very tasty. A 125g pack contains 8pcs (4pcs per individual pack).

這 3 款餅乾是我的最愛,125 克包裝的價錢介乎歐元 2.97 - 3.97,用來作手信或自家品嘗都十分化算。

These 3 types of biscuits are highly recommended. With the price range from 2.97 - 3.97 per 125g pack, they are worthwhile to buy for yourself or friends.

實用連結 Useful Link:
La Mère Poulard
19 Avenue de l’Opéra, 75001 Paris
星期日休息 Close on Sundays

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

HooShop。日常食糧 Daily Bread

作為亞洲人,在努力適應巴黎生活之餘,有時也會想吃吃或看看自己熟悉的事和物,所以幾家售賣 “外國食糧” 的店已被 “星星” 到手機內的地圖上。現在就分享一下這些 “星星”。

As an Asian, apart from making an effort to adapt the French way of living, it is understandable that occasionally, a desire to eat or see with something familiar is lighted up. Therefore, there are several locations of those shops selling "foreign bread" are starred in the map of my smartphone. Let's see what these "stars" are.

身體食糧 Bread for the Body


京子日式超市,位於第 2 區日本街內。

很喜歡的小店。店面不大但有 2 層,基本上想買的日式飲品、蔬菜、乾 / 濕食物、調味料,以至日式碗筷都一應俱全。員工大部份為日本人,能操日 / 法 / 英語。價錢雖然不算十分便宜 (其實哪裡會有便宜的日本貨?),但肯定是真貨就是了。

A Japanese grocery store, located in the Japanese Neighbourhood in the 2e arrondissement. 

My favourite store. The shop is not big but have 2 storeys. They offer a full range of Japanese products e.g. Japanese drinks, vegetables, food, snacks, seasonings, and Japanese kitchen appliances. Most of the staff are Japanese who can speak Japanese, French and English. Although the products are pricey (as a matter of fact, there has nowhere could buy cheap Japanese stuff, right?), they are authentic enough to make you to pay. 


韓式亞洲雜貨店,位於第 1 區,離京子不過是 4 分鐘路程: 從京子出門後轉左,向 Rue Sainte-Anne 方向行到底,轉右再直行就會到。

這家店比京子稍大,以韓式貨物為主,但也有日本及其他亞洲食品。店內不停播放著 K-Pop,員工大部份亦為韓國人,能操韓 / 法 / 英語。某些日本零食價格是比京子便宜一點,但總是覺得有丁點兒差異。

An Asian-Korean grocery store, located in the 1er arrondissement. It is just 4 minutes walk from Kioko: get out from Kioko and turn left, walk ahead to Rue Sainte-Anne, then turn right and walk straight.

This store is bigger than Kioko. The products are mainly from Korea, but some stuff from Japan and Asia can also be found. K-pop is always heard in the shop and most of the staff are also Korean. Besides Korea and French, English should not be a problem for communication. Although some of the Japanese snacks are slightly cheaper than in Kioko, somehow there are nuances.


陳氏兄弟超級市場,巴黎最大的亞洲超市,除了唐人街 (13區),在其他區份也有分店。


Tang Brothers Supermarket, the biggest Asian supermarket in Paris. Besides the shop in China Town (13e arrondissement), branches can also be found in other areas.

Their products are mainly from China and SouthEast Asia, plus the basic food and seasonings from Japan and Korea. The product range is nearly complete and with a very competitive price setting. However, the quality of some products is a question mark. In spite of the convenience and economic benefits, sometimes you just want to get rid of the label "made-in China"...

精神食糧 Bread for the Mind

在巴黎, 要找中文書藉可能有點難度,但要找英語書藉卻一點也不難。

In Paris, it may not be easy to find a Chinese-language book, but there has no difficulty to get English-language books.


廣為人知的連鎖百貨商店,法國人想起 (或想不起) 要買什麼電子產品、CD、電影、電玩、書藉等等,都會先去 Fnac 逛逛。它們的書品部很大,會有一個角落出售英語原著的小說,但都是一些較新及熱門的書。

A well-known mega chain store. French use to stroll around in Fnac when they want to (or even not) buy something like electronic products, CDs, movies, video games, books, and etc. The book section is big with a corner selling English-written novels, but most of them are hot and new releases.


巴黎最大的英語書店,位於第 1 區 Jardin des Tuileries 旁的 Rue de Rivoli 大街上。感覺上就跟在英國的 WH Smith 沒兩樣。除了書藉外,亦會有一些 DVD、生日咭及小玩具出售。如果想購買最新的英語流行雜誌,來這裡就沒錯了。

The biggest English-language bookstore in Paris, situated in Rue de Rivoli in the 1er arrondissement. The format of the bookstore is quite the same as the one in UK. In addition to books, some DVDs, greeting cards and toys can also be found. This is the place for those who want to buy the latest English-language fashion / trendy magazines.


法國第一間出售英語書藉的書店,同樣坐落在 Rue de Rivoli 上,從 WH Smith 出門轉左,繼績向前走就會到達。


"The first English bookstore established in the continent". The current shop is settled at Rue de Rivoli, same as WH Smith. It can be reached by walking out from WH Smith and turn left, then walk ahead for a minute.

A solemn atmosphere is pervaded the entire store, which makes walking softly an implied rule. If the desired book is ancient enough to be missed from their bookshelves, a specialised service can be conducted to get it. As they also offer French-language literature, it is better to read the signs carefully instead of searching like "a blind fly".

實用連結 Useful links:-

46 Rue des Petits Champs 75002
星期一休息 Close on Mondays

6 Rue Sainte-Anne 75001
7 天營業 Open 7 days a week

Tang Frères
48 Avenue d'Ivry 75013
星期日下午休息 Close on Sunday afternoons

星期日休息 Close on Sundays

WH Smith
248 Rue de Rivoli 75001
7 天營業,星期日中午開始 Open 7 days a week, Sundays start from noon

224 Rue de Rivoli 75001
星期日休息 Close on Sundays


Monday, 7 October 2013

HooVisit。走進森林 Into the Wild

在巴黎想親近大自然,不是沒可能,不過要付出點點時間及勞力,就是要出走到巴黎市郊 。

在巴黎四周市郊大概有 4 ﹣ 5 個出名的森林,而西北的市郊 Maisons-Laffitte 及 Saint-Germain-en-Laye 中間就有一個森林 Forêt Domaniale de Saint-Germain-en-Laye(經 Maisons-Laffitte 進入) / Forêt de Saint-Germain-en-Laye (經 Saint-Germain-en-Laye 進入)。

由巴黎市中心去要先到達地鐵站 Charles de Gaulle-Étoile (1/2/6 號線) (即凱旋門那個站),然後轉 RER A 線到 Maisons-Laffitte(A3 或 A5 線)或 Saint-Germain-en-Laye (A1 線) 站。緊記要留意列車是否經你要去的站,否則上錯車就麻煩了~

In Paris, it is possible to get into the wild, but need some time and efforts - go to the suburbs (les banlieues) of Paris.

There are around 4 - 5 well-known forests in Paris suburbs, and this one, La Forêt Domaniale de Saint-Germain-en-Laye (if go from Maisons-Laffitte) / La Forêt de Saint-Germain-en-Laye (enter from Saint-Germain-en-Laye), is situated in the north-west of Paris.

By going there, you need to go to Charles de Gaulle-Étoile metro station (line 1, 2, 6) (i.e. the station to go to l'Arc du Triomphe), then take the RER line A to Maisons-Laffitte (line A3 or A5) or Saint-Germain-en-Laye (line A1). Remember to check if the coming train is heading to your destination. 

以馬匹之城聞名,而且當然少不了拉斐特城堡(離 RER 站約 10 分鐘步行路程);
Well-known as Le Cité du Cheval. Take the chance to visit the famous La Château de Maisons Laffitte (~10 minutes walk from the RER station); or, you can go to Beijing to see the copy one...

[Forêt Domaniale de Saint-Germain-en-Laye]
秋天到臨,森林全地都布滿一顆顆栗子果實。要小心外榖, 因為硬而帶刺;要帶回家吃就一定要選這種外殼有刺的栗子,因為另一種外穀面表沒有刺的是有毒的。 
In Autumn, you can find a "chestnut forest floor" waiting for you to bring back as much chestnuts as you want. Remember to get the chestnuts (les châtaignes) extracted from those with spiny outer cases because those with non-spiny outer cases are conkers (les maroons) which are poisonous. 

 [Forêt Domaniale de Saint-Germain-en-Laye]
菇菌越豔麗就越有毒~ 所以說,不要被表像欺騙,不論是看人、看栗子還是看磨菇~
"Poisonous mushrooms are brightly colored". It can also be applied on judging people and choosing chestnuts / conkers~

Saint-Germain-en-Laye 城堡就在 RER 站旁
La Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye is right next to the RER station

A creepy flooding bed placed in the centre of the fountain... 

If you don't want to get into the forest, it is also good to walk in the garden / park.

View from the park

View of Paris from the park

[Forêt de Saint-Germain-en-Laye]
森林外圍充滿著各類詭異 “藝術”, 例如這個人體 X 光片角⋯
There are some creepy "arts corners" located in the peripherals of the forest, 
like this human X-ray films corner...

[Forêt de Saint-Germain-en-Laye]
There is a small goat pen with a sign warning visitors not to feed the goats 
with the followings:  sugar, conkers, and plastic bags...

實用連結 Useful links:-


遊巴黎,出發前記得要下載這個公共交通 App:RATP,只要輸入地址、名勝,或地鐵站名字,就能告訴你要坐哪條線,在哪轉線,須時多久。而且不單是地鐵,巴士資料也有的。
Before going to Paris, remember to download and install this transportation App: RATP. Just need to input the address, or site-seeing place, or metro station, it can then let you know which line you need to take, where to change the line, and how long will it take. Not only the info of metro but also that of bus lines. 

Sunday, 6 October 2013

HooVisit。舊貨市集 La Braderie

法國每年最大型的舊貨市集 La Braderie de Lille 大家都應該知道,但其實各市各區久不久就會在周末出現一些小型舊貨市集;今早經過 Boulevard Pasteur (15區)就見到一個。可能是趁秋天來到,大家都想替家裡換換季吧~

在這些舊貨市集,大家都會趁機會將大家中大大小小已沒用的舊物放出來賣,目的不在賺錢 (當然有得賺也是好的~),而是要清出家中的空間 (當然亦有很多人其實是在閒時收集其他人掉出來的物品再拿出來賣)。而有趣之處在於真的可想像到/想像不到的東西都有機會見到;我就見過有位老婆婆放賣相信是她年青時穿過的一隻破舊平底鞋 (是的,不是一雙,是一隻),及沒有了手臂的洋娃娃~


Except the well-known yearly La Braderie de Lille, there indeed have some other smaller scale braderies in each city in France all around the year. I just happened to pass by one in Boulevard Pasteur (15eme arrondissement) this morning. As Autumn has newly arrived, it maybe a good chance for people to make some changes at home.

People usually bring their old and unused stuff to the braderie and sell, not only for money (could be a good idea though~), but to free some spaces at home (of course there are some people who practically collect the thrown-away stuff and resell). You will always be surprised by finding out what kind of stuff that people are welling. One time I have seen an old lady selling a piece of her old broken flats (it is 1 piece, not 1 pair), and a old doll with one hand missing~

It is quite a good choice to kill time on Sunday while all other shops are closed.

These websites indicate the information (date, location, type, and etc) of some braderies / brocantes / marchés aux Puces in Paris: